jeudi 5 juillet 2007

Amis sur la Montagne

Kindred Spirits (1849), de Asher Brown Durand

3 commentaires:

Anonyme a dit...

Kindred...Analogue ?...
Esprits consanguins.

Tout ou Rien.
On and Off.
Amis sur la Montagne.

It will be always there.
Where old spirits meet
the Greatest One.

Aimon a dit...

Âmes soeurs, frères de sang.

Anonyme a dit...

With or without the Pain,
I will always be there...
On the top of your World

With or without the Darkness,
You will always be here...
in the bottom of my Heart

On the highest Mountain
or in the center of the Earth,
it will always be the same feeling

the Kindness of a Young Hart,
his Sadness inside my Devotion
the Nearness of our minds...